
A Detail Tutorial On HTML Injection

  What is HTML? To get a better understanding of HTML Injection, firstly we should know about  HTML.  HTML is a markup language, where all the website’s elements are written in the tags. Web pages are sent to the browser in the form of HTML documents. What is HTML Injection? This HTML injection attack is injecting HTML code through the vulnerable parts of the website. The Malicious user sends HTML code through any vulnerable field with the purpose to change the website’s design or any information that is displayed to the user. As a result, the user may see the data that was sent by the malicious user. Therefore, in general, HTML Injection is just the injection of markup language code to the document of the page. Types of HTML Injection Stored HTML Injection Reflected HTML Injection #1) Stored HTML Injection:  Stored Html injection attack occurs when malicious HTML code is saved in the web server and is executed every time when the user calls an appropriate functional...